NIC MAP requests initial documentation to help build an anonymous teaser for your deal. For full underwriting, your lender will require additional documentation depending on your specific financing needs. The required documents vary based on whether you seek financing for an existing building (permanent debt) or a new building (construction).
Permanent Financing
Documents Requested by NIC MAP to Create a Teaser
T12 Income Statement
Census/Rent Roll (deidentified)
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Purchase Agreement (if acquisition)
Existing Debt Statement/Amount (if refinance)
Typical Documents Requested by Lenders for Underwriting
Property & Strategy Summary
Borrower Bio
Sponsor Bio
Organizational Chart
Guarantor Personal Financial Statements (PFS)
Prior 3 years of operating statements
Prior 3 years of occupancy summary
Current year operating budget
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prior three years of both personal and business tax returns
Site Plan
Floor Plan
Current and prior CAPEX summary
QMIX or Payor Mix (if SNF)
Operating / Management Agreement
Any available prior appraisals, environmental reports, condition reports, or surveys
Construction Financing
Documents Requested by NIC MAP to Create a Teaser
Unit Mix
Location Summary
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Experience of Sponsor and Operator
Projected Construction Budget
Projected Schedule
Typical Documents Requested by Lenders for Underwriting
Property & Strategy Summary
Borrower Bio
Sponsor Bio
Organizational Chart
Licensure (if available)
Project General Contractor and other contractors’ bios
Letter of Intent or Purchase Agreement (if applicable)
Projected Operating Budget
General Contractor’s cost estimates and proposed contract
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Guarantor Personal Financial Statements (PFS)
Prior three years of both personal and business tax returns
Site Plan (if available)
Floor Plan (if available)
QMIX or Payor Mix (if SNF)
Operating / Management Agreement
Any available prior appraisals, environmental reports, or surveys