Id | The primary index in the database that identifies a unique property. |
Name | The trade name of the property. |
Address | The mailing address line(s) of the property. |
City | The city of the property. |
State | The state/territory of the property. |
Zip | The ZIP (postal) code of the property. |
Phone | The telephone number of the property. |
County | The county of the property. |
Operator | The operator/management company that runs day-to-day business at the property. |
YearOpened | The year the property received its initial licensure. For SNF properties, this represents the year the property was certified by CMS. |
ProfitStatus | The business/operations structure of the property. |
PropertyStatus | The building's open/closed status. 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
CCRC | The type of community represented by this property (CCRC, freestanding, etc.). 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
MajorityType | The majority bed type or licensed facility type of this property. |
PaymentType | The method of payment for this property (Entry Fee, Rent, etc.). 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
OpenDate | The month and year the property received its initial licensure. For SNF properties, this represents the date the property was certified by CMS. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the property. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the property. |
ALExistingBeds | The number of open, operating Assisted Living beds in the property. |
ALConstructionBeds | The number of Assisted Living beds currently under constrution. 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
ILExistingBeds | The number of open, operating Independent Living beds in the property. |
ILConstructionBeds | The number of Independent Living beds currently under constrution. 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
MCExistingBeds | The number of open, operating Memory Care beds in the property. |
MCConstructionBeds | The number of Memory Care beds currently under constrution. 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
NCExistingBeds | The number of open, operating Nursing Care beds in the property. |
NCConstructionBeds | The number of Nursing Care beds currently under constrution. 0 value unless populated by NIC MAP data. |
DistanceFromTarget | The distance in miles from the Analysis Site to the property. |
OwnerName | The name of the building's owner. |
AssessedTotalValue | The total assessment value of the property including building and land. |
AssessedLandValue | The assessment value of the property related to the land the property occupies. |
AssessedImprovementValue | The assessment value of the property related to the building. |
TaxAmount | The last tax amount (in dollars) levied on the property. |
TaxYear | The year associated with the TaxAmount. |
SaleDate | The last date of sale recorded of the property. |
SalePrice | The price (in dollars) of the last recorded sale of the property. |
SellerName | The name of the prior owner of the property who sold to the current OwnerName. |
MortgageAmount | The amount (in dollars) of the last recorded mortgage for the property. |
MortgageDate | The origination date of the current loan for the property. |
MortgageLoanTypeCode | The type of loan secured by the borrower. |
MortgageDueDate | The date that the current loan for the property matures. |
LenderName | The lender who provided the current loan for the property. |
LotAcreage | The size of the parcel (in acres) that the property occupies. |
UniversalBuildingSqFt | The size of the property building (in square feet). |
YearBuilt | The year the property was first constructed. |
BuildingUnits | A measure of total units available in the property. |
OwnerAddress | The mailing address line(s) of the property building owner. |
OwnerCity | The city of the property building owner. |
OwnerState | The state/territory of the property building owner. |
OwnerZip | The ZIP (postal) code of the property building owner. |
MedianIncome | The median household income of residents residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $0-$24,999 | Percentage of resident households with income less than $25,000 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $25,000-$49,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $25,000-$49,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $50,000-$74,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $50,000-$74,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $75,000-$99,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $75,000-$99,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $100,000-$149,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $100,000-$149,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $150,000-$174,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $150,000-$174,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $175,000-$199,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $175,000-$199,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $200,000-$249,999 | Percentage of resident households with income between $200,000-$249,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MI $250,000+ | Percentage of resident households with income greater than $250,000 residing at the property, provided as an estimate of the combined gross income of all members of the resident's household who are 15 years or older. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MedianNetWorth | The median net worth of all resident households residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $0-$24,999 | Percentage of resident households with net worth less than $25,000 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $25,000-$49,999 | Percentage of resident households with net worth between $25,000-$49,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $50,000-$99,999 | Percentage of resident households with net worth between $50,000-$99,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $100,000-$249,999 | Percentage of resident households with net worth between $100,000-$249,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $250,000-$499,999 | Percentage of resident households with net worth between $250,000-$499,999 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
MNW $500,000+ | Percentage of resident households with net worth greater than $500,000 residing at the property, provided as an estimate Total Assets less Total Liabilities of all members of the resident's household. This data is based on households matched to this address in partnership with Experian. |
AvgOnlineStarRating | Average rating (out of 5 stars) for this property on Google and other review sites. |
OnlineReviewCount | The total number of reviews used to derive this building's average online star rating. |
<1 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved less than 1 mile from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
1-3 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 1 and 3 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
3-5 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 3 and 5 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
5-10 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 5 and 10 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
10-15 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 10 and 15 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
15-25 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 15 and 25 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
25-50 Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved between 25 and 50 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
50+ Miles % | Percentage of residents who moved more than 50 miles from their previous residence to the senior housing community they now reside in. |
Facility Guid | The unique identifier for this property in the NIC MAP supply database. |
SNF Fiscal Year End Date | The end date of the Fiscal Year used for SNF cost reporting for this property. |
SNF Beds | Number of skilled nursing beds available for use by patients at the end of the cost reporting period |
SNF Beds Days Available | (# of skilled nursing beds available throughout the reporting period)*(365 days) |
SNF Occupancy Rate | (Total days/365) / (Total skilled nursing beds)*100 |
SNF Net Patient Revenue | (Total patient revenue - allowance and discounts on Patient's accounts). Allowance and discounts include provision for bad debts, contractual adjustments, charity discounts, teaching allowances, policy discounts, admin adjustments, and other deductions. |
SNF Total Operating Expense | Expenses incurred during the reporting period that arise during the ordinary course of operating the skilled nursing facility |
SNF Inpatient Medicare Days | # of Medicare inpatient days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Inpatient Medicaid Days | # of Medicaid inpatient days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Inpatient Other Days | # of private pay, out-of-pocket, and other inpatient days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Inpatient Total Days | Sum of Medicare days, Medicaid days, and other days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Medicare Census Mix | (Total Medicare days/total inpatient days) |
SNF Medicaid Census Mix | (Total Medicaid days/total inpatient days) |
SNF Other Census Mix | (Total other days/total inpatient days) |
SNF Medicare Discharges | # of formal Medicare patient releases recorded during the reporting period |
SNF Medicaid Discharges | # of formal Medicaid patient releases recorded during the reporting period |
SNF Other Discharges | # of formal private pay and other patient releases recorded during the reporting period |
SNF Total Discharges | The sum of all formal patient releases recorded during the reporting period |
SNF Medicare ALOS | Medicare average length of stay = (total Medicare days/365) |
SNF Medicaid ALOS | Medicaid average length of stay = (total Medicaid days/365) |
SNF Overall ALOS | Overall average length of stay = (total skilled nursing days/365) |
SNF Rehabilitation And Extensive Services Days | (# of extensive services days) + (# of rehabilitation days) recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Rehabilitation Total Days | # of rehabilitation days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Extensive Services Days | # of extensive services days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Clinically Complex Days | # of clinically complex days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Behavior And Cognition Days | # of behavior and cognition days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Reduced Physical Function Days | # of reduced physical function days recorded during the reporting period at a skilled nursing facility |
SNF Medicare Average Daily Census | (Total Medicare days recorded during the reporting period/365) |
SNF Medicaid Average Daily Census | (Total Medicaid days recorded during the reporting period/365) |
SNF Other Average Daily Census | (Total private pay and other days recorded during the reporting period/365) |
SNF Total Average Daily Census | (Sum of Medicare days, Medicaid days, and other days recorded during the reporting period/365) |
Total Medicare Spend Per Beneficiary | The average Medicare dollar amount spent per each Medicare beneficiary at this property. |
Average Beneficiary HCC Score | The average Hierarchical Condition of Care (HCC) score for residents at this property. A high HCC score indicates more severe/complicated conditions that require greater levels of care. |
Medicare Spend / HCC Point | Total Medicare Spend per Beneficiary divided by the Average Beneficiary HCC Score. |
30 Day Readmission Rate | The percentage of this property's patients who are readmitted to a hospital after 30 days of release. |
90 Day Readmission Rate | The percentage of this property's patients who are readmitted to a hospital after 90 days of release. |
% Attributed to Medicare ACO | The percentage of this property's residents who belong to a Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO). |