NIC MAP is committed to providing the most up-to-date data available to support your decision making. The Data Calendar on the Home Page of NIC MAP will provide a list of releases in the past 30 days and releases expected in the next 30 days.
Some of our most popular datasets are detailed below. If you have questions about the source of any data in NIC MAP, please reach out to
Transactions Data (Weekly)
Transactions data is collected by NIC MAP's in-house data team and published on a weekly basis in the Property Sales Transactions Report.
Contact Data (Monthly)
Contact data in Industry Insight is provided by a third-party data source and is updated once per month.
Building Financials Data (Monthly)
Building Financial Data is provided by Trepp and updated on a monthly basis.
Pipeline Data (Monthly)
Pipeline Construction Project Data is provided by two sources who collect construction project information on a national-scale: Dodge Data & Analytics and BuildCentral. Both datasets are re-published on a monthly basis.
Market Fundamentals Data (Quarterly)
NIC MAP's Market Fundamentals Data Release encompass the four largest data releases of data for NIC MAP subscribers. Market Fundamentals data is not just one report, rather, it is inclusive of all rent, occupancy, and inventory count figures in every module in the NIC MAP platform.
Market Fundamentals Data is typically released on the first or second Thursday of January (4Q), April (1Q), July (2Q), and October (3Q). The following Thursday, a Data Release Webinar to review the data is hosted by the team at NIC. You can view the last four webinars in our Video Library.
Labor Data (Quarterly)
Labor Data in NIC MAP is sourced for 31 different positions from Lightcast. Lightcast surveys millions of job posts and categorizes data like wages, experience, and total open positions by position and County. This data is re-published on a quarterly basis.
CarePrepare Data (Quarterly - Rolling)
CarePrepare is a database of quality surveys in Seniors Housing. This data is collected in 42 states + DC and published on a rolling quarterly basis, which means that roughly one-third of the set is refreshed in each monthly update.
Demographics Data (Annually)
Demographics Data in the NIC MAP platform is provided largely by two nationwide demographics suppliers: Claritas and ESRI. Both providers update their data on an annual basis (typically in the late Fall / early Winter), and NIC MAP republishes those updates in metrics shortly thereafter.
Psychographics / Migration Data (Annually)
Psychographic metrics provided in NIC MAP are related to Experian's Mosaic USA dataset on Americans aged 15 and older. This data is updated on an annual basis -- for more information about how this data can be related to residents at your community, see the article here.
Construction Cost Data (Annually)
Estimates of Construction Cost by Building Type are provided on an annual basis from Craftsman.
Healthcare / Providers / Medicare Data (As Often As Possible!)
Most Healthcare Data available in the platform comes from data available from Medicare. This includes data on Providers, Medicare Advantage, and residents themselves. Depending on the dataset (and the detail therein), these datasets typically operate on a 6 - 24 month lag time.