NIC MAP's competition data contains extensive cost report data for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) nationwide, giving insights into facilities’ census and financial performance, as reported to CMS on a fiscal year basis. This dataset includes information on bed availability, census day mix, discharge details, revenue and expense breakdowns, and more.
This data can be accessed in multiple ways throughout the platform.
After checking “View Competition Data” under Standard Markers, click on a “SNF” property icon, and expand the SNF Cost Report Data section on the activated right-side Supply Details pane.
Within the “Supply” tab of your Site Detail Report, click the blue “More Details” button for a property with existing nursing care (NC) units to open an identical Supply Details pane as shown above. You can also export all properties in the Supply tab via the Advanced Analysis tab - Excel button and view the SNF Cost Report data outside the NIC MAP portal.
You can also export your analyses' supply data via the Competition Report Task.
Industry Insight
Search the Industry Insight database and, under the resulting “Buildings” tab, click the “View Details” button in the row of a SNF facility. The “Community Profile” page will contain a Cost Report tab, which displays multiple years of Cost Report data in four major categories:
Reports / Exports
The following fields are available for download in exported reports from NIC MAP:
Fiscal Year End Date
Beds Days Available
Occupancy Rate
Net Patient Revenue
Total Operating Expense
Inpatient Medicare Days
Inpatient Medicaid Days
Inpatient Other Days
Inpatient Total Days
Medicare Census Mix
Medicaid Census Mix
Other Census Mix
Medicare Discharges
Medicaid Discharges
Other Discharges
Total Discharges
Medicare ALOS (Average Length of Stay)
Medicaid ALOS
Overall ALOS
Medicare Average Daily Census
Medicaid Average Daily Census
Other Average Daily Census
Total Average Daily Census
Please reach out to the NIC MAP CS team ( with any questions.