Resident Origin is a dataset that is integrated in NIC MAP's supply dataset. It provides the last known address information for residents at 17,000+ Seniors Housing facilities nationwide, or over 75% of these types of facilities in NIC MAP's supply database. This dataset illustrates the effective resident draw radius for each of these communities, as well as at a market aggregate via metrics.
How do I access Resident Origin?
Resident Origin can be included with a subscription to Market Insight. The data can be displayed in a variety of ways for subscribers:
Heatmap View & Distribution Table
To view the data at the building-level, it is recommended to utilize Explorer. In the Map Data section (Standard Markers), you can check the option to View Competition Data. This will create a pin for each inventory property in the market area.
If you click on a pin and Resident Origin data is available, a heatmap will appear on your screen. This represents the last known census block where a resident resided prior to moving into the Seniors Housing facility. The dark red color indicates multiple residents arrived from the same geographic area.
Additionally, clicking a property pin will display Supply Details. In the Resident Origin Distribution section, you can obtain a distribution (0-1 miles, 1-3 miles, etc.) to help detail the visual displayed on your screen.
Market Metric
Resident Origin data can also be displayed as an aggregate of all communities in a market area by utilizing metrics. For example, Average Pct Resident Origin > 50 Miles details the percentage of residents in this market area (32%) that moved 50 or more miles away from home to their Seniors Housing community.
Resident Origin Zips Task
The data is also able to be queried by community and displayed as a distribution percentage by ZIP code. You can access this task at Utilities > Tasks.
How Accurate is the Data?
NIC MAP engaged an expert in longitudinal background and address data sets to validate accuracy. While minor inaccuracies may exist, they are limited and do not materially affect overall trends. The data sources include highly reliable records such as credit history, bank records, and property ownership data -- the same types of datasets used to verify identity for Social Security and for background checks.
Additionally, Seniors Housing residents are considered a highly accurate subset due to their higher likelihood of home ownership and well-documented address histories.
How is this data set assembled?
The Resident Origin dataset is compiled through a multi-step process to ensure accuracy, privacy, and usability:
Data Collection
NIC MAP cross-references its nationwide senior housing database of 23,000+ locations with IL, AL, or MC (Seniors Housing) against selected third-party data sources.
This process returns an age-filtered, deidentified dataset containing all residents of each property along with their previous address.
PII Removal
Historical address data is tagged to relevant census blocks, which typically contain around 40 individuals and cover about one block.
This method retains granular address detail while ensuring that no personally identifiable information (PII) remains in the dataset.
Data Validation
NIC MAP validates each senior housing community to ensure the dataset includes at least 50% of the residents or a minimum of 50 total residents.
NIC MAP integrates this dataset into its platform, enabling visualization through the methods mentioned above.
How can I use this data?
Analyze Market Area Dynamics – Understand resident draw patterns for individual markets or competitive sets.
Improve Marketing Strategy – Compare resident origins with competitors to refine outreach and advertising efforts.
Identify Natural Barriers – Detect relocation barriers such as highways, waterways, or city boundaries.
Identify Underserved Markets – Discover areas where seniors are traveling long distances for senior housing, presenting opportunities for new developments.
Assess Vulnerability to New Development – Determine how new construction might impact your community’s resident draw area.
Define Market Areas More Accurately – Use actual relocation data rather than broad assumptions to define market areas.
Track Relocation Patterns – Visualize where residents moving out of IL-only communities are relocating, helping create strategic partnerships.
How frequently is the data updated?
The data is updated twice per year.
Is there an additional cost?
Resident Insight is an add-on feature to Market Insight and requires a subscription to Market Insight as a pre-requisite. To enable this data in your portal, please contact NIC MAP Support at