To begin using Resident Insight, you will need to first upload a Rent Roll/Roster document in the platform. The window for submitting your resident data is open each month from the 1st to the 15th. This document should be completed in the format specified below and should contain information for every facility you would like to have analyzed.
While NIC MAP will be happy to assist you with formatting or submitting your data via phone call or screen share, please refrain from sending any confidential resident information to a NIC MAP team member directly – this helps to keep your residents’ information safe in the event of a data breach.
Here is a blank Resident Insight Upload Template for your convenience, as well as an example Resident Insight upload that was populated using dummy data.
Your file must be saved as a CSV file type and contain the following fields in the order they are specified:
Community Name * – the name of the facility
Street * – the street address of the facility
City * – the city in which the facility is located
State * – the state in which the facility is located
Zip * – the zip code of the facility
Apartment * – the apartment number of the resident
Segment * – the segment the resident lives in (Specifically using the abbreviations: "IL", "AL", "MC", or “SNF”)
Resident First Name * – the first name of the Resident
Resident Middle Name – the middle name of the resident
Resident Last Name * – the last name of the resident
Resident Date of Birth – the date of birth of the resident (MM/DD/YYYY)
Resident Move-in Date * – the day the resident moved into their apartment
POA First Name ** – the first name of the POA for the resident
POA Middle Name – the middle name of the POA for the resident
POA Last Name ** – the last name of the POA for the resident
POA Street ** – the street address of the POA
POA City ** – the city in which the POA is located
POA State ** – the state in which the POA is located
POA Zip ** – the zip code for the POA’s address
* - bolded items are required fields
** - italicized items are not required but all fields that are italicized must be filled to receive data back on that POA
Note – POA stands for Person of Authority / Adult Child
Uploading your Resident Insight Data
Resident Insight data can be uploaded for processing directly through the NIC MAP portal. Once logged into your portal, navigate to the “Residents” section on the left-hand sidebar of the screen, then click the “Upload Resident Info” button that appears.
On the next screen, select the .csv file you prepared from your computer’s file system (or drag & drop it) in the Upload box. Next, click the Submit button in the bottom-right corner of the upload window. If your file is formatted properly, you will not need to do anything else. If there are any issues with your file, however, you will receive an error notification with a description of what must be changed in your file.