When you log in for the first time, you’ll want to change your password to something secure and private to you. You can also use the following steps if you desire to change your current password.
Log into the NIC MAP platform
On the left sidebar, click the icon beside your first name.
Select “Password” tab.
Enter your current password, your desired new password and confirm your new password.
To pass NIC MAP security requirements, your password be at least 8 characters long and include special characters (!, @, #, $), uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers.
Click “Change Password” to make it official.
How to Reset Your Password
If you do not remember your current password and need to completely reset it, please follow the steps listed below.
Pull up the NIC MAP portal login page.
Click “Forgot Password?”
Enter your username and click “Send Reset Link”
You will receive an email with a new password.
Login to the portal with your new password and then change it to something secure and private.